
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Awesome night for US Olympics!!!


If you haven't been watching the Olympics... well... join the club. I haven't either. The boyfriend records them all day then stays up all night watching the events in fast-forward. I can usually stay awake for about 10 minutes.

Today I got a little more in to it...
We woke up late today so I watched a little bit of men's volleyball...
Then I needed a nap today so I watched a little swimming and more volleyball.

We went to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and saw part of the swimming competition... which means I got to witness Michael Phelps completely BOMB the 200 butterfly, the race he has won gold medals in for the past two Summer Olympics. Well when I say bomb, I mean he got silver. I might have been calling him a lousy piece of shit.

After dinner I landed my happy ass in the living room to watch gymnastics.

and got to see this...

Russia was in first place and we were the only team left to do our floor routine. Aly was the last one to perform and she only needed like a 10-something out of 16.
Before she even finished her routine, she was crying. She knew she stuck her landings which meant the they got the gold!!
The ladies were very gracious winners!!
Incredible sight to see!!

Then I got to watch the relay that would give Michael Phelps his 19th medal.
I say this like I was there or something. Afterall, watching all of this on a 120" screen helps...

I was pretty pissed to see him get silver in his previous race. I mean... I hold our Olympic athletes to the highest of standards!!!
So now Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time. 15 Golds, 2 Silvers, and 2 Bronze... and he still has three races that could land him three more medals!

Now that I have given my Olympic Commentary I will shut up.

But it was pretty awesome...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Confessional Friday: {Link Up with A Blonde Ambition}

Wowzas. It's been a week... and a busy one at that. We have been deep cleaning and organizing the shop in preparation for our new CNC machine. We had to dig a huge 2 foot deep hole in the foundation in order to pour a deeper, stronger foundation for the new machine. Ty and Tim rented a cement saw and a mini-excavator and went to town while I put together shelving and organized shop supplies in bins. We got a lot done this week!

Okay, enough with smelly, dirty, boy stuff...

On to the Confessions.

1. I have OCD. Organizing is my thang so spending the whole week separating things in to different bins is kinda fun for me.

2. I want these boots:
and these boots...

I don't have any riding boots and I found these two beauties on Top pair is $160, bottom pair is $110. I just don't know which ones I like better. Errrr!

3. I ordered some goodies from Not like I need any more makeup or brushes or anything but that stuff is so cheap it is hard to stop myself! I have been playing with different looks for a while now and Elf cosmetics are a great way to start a mini makeup collection.

4. I collect Coke points. You know the little codes on the lids of Coke products? Yup. I collect those and have been collecting them for over two years now. I have thousands of points and even scored myself a coupon for $50 off at to get my new tennie-runners. Good thing Ty drinks Coke like it's going out of style!!

5. I'm holding out for the new iPhone to release. My iPhone 4 is about to shoot craps. I've had her for two years and my circle button works when it wants to which can really piss a girl off.

Dear iPhone 5 or New iPhone or whatever you are going to be called,

Please hurry the eff up, and release yourself.
I need one of you.


6. I'm effing hungry and it's lunch time so I am done confessing and I'm going to go stuff my face now.

Adios mis bloggas favoritas!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Favorites: Link Up with The Bargain Blonde

Favorite Drink:
Starbuck's Green Teas and I just tried their new Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher which was veeeeeeery tasty...

Favorite Sign??:
The new "Hollywood" sign at the lake...

Favorite Shampoo:
Matrix Amplify. I scored the big bottle at Ulta's Liter Sale for $14.99!

Favorite Face Wash:
Cetaphil facial cleanser. I have been breaking out more than usual and I always hear great reviews about Cetaphil products...

Favorite Funny:
I'm loving these "ermahgerd" jokes... they crack me the ferk erp!

Favorite Purchase:
Monogram Drink Koozie. I ordered this off Groop Dealz and can't wait to get it!

That's all folks. I gotta pack up and head to the lake! Tomorrow is Sierra's birthday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

DIY: How To Blow the Door Off Your Microwave


Well... I didn't really blow the door off my microwave, but I blasted that bad boy wide open in mid-cook.

I decided yesterday I was going to do some deep cleaning... organize the garage, clean the oven, and clean the microwave.

I had the organizing part down pat but I needed some help with the oven and microwave.

First the oven:
Mix baking soda and water in to a paste and slather it on the oven glass. Leave for 20 minutes. Wipe clean.
Easy peasy.

Next, the microwave:
Mix one cup vinegar and one cup water in glass measuring dish and place in microwave for 10 minutes.
Easy again, right?
no, no, no

Our microwave is very powerful. It's like the Maserati of microwaves. Knowing this, I only put my concoction in for five minutes.

After five minutes, I busted out my wet rag and started wiping.
Nothing happened.
K... I didn't leave it in long enough.
No prob.
Another five minutes should do.

So I press start and head upstairs to use the facilities.
Then I hear...



I run downstairs and the microwave door is wide open and it the smell of vinegar has infiltrated the entire room.

So here's the scene...
(Microwave is above the stove)
Oven door is wide open with my baking soda concoction doing it's magic...
All of my glass and metal baking dishes are sitting on top of the stove...
Microwave door is wide open...
Measuring cup in the microwave has about a half-cup of liquid inside...
And there is vinegar water EVERYWHERE!
In my dishes, pans, on the stove, in the oven, on the counter tops, on the floor... hell it was probably on the ceiling and I just forgot to look.

I call Tyson and say:
"Hey, I just blew the door off the microwave."

He hung up on me and was in the kitchen in about 5 seconds.
Oh and he was in a meeting so he brought Matt, our tool guy in to see the destruction.

Let's just say he was relieved to see the door was still attached to the microwave.

So here I am thinking...
"Only me. Only I can blow the door off a microwave."


This happens to other people, too.

Then Matt tells me...
"My friend's fiance put a package of meat wrapped in aluminum foil in the microwave and blew a hole in it the size of a grapefruit."
Wish I could have seen that!

So beware... what looks so easy basically turned in to a bigger mess than I had before.
Oh and the crap in the microwave didn't come off.
But the oven glass cleaning concoction did work pretty well. I give it an 8.

Happy Thursday, Lovelies.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Link Up: Celebrating Southern {Gameday Attire}

Today I am linking up with Leslie at A Blonde Ambition for her week on Celebrating Southern!

Today's subject is Gameday Attire.

Most of you college football fans know, as of July 1, 2012, Mizzou is officially in the SEC! I'm pretty excited about this... there are a number of reasons why Mizzou being in the SEC is going to be awesome, but I will save that for a different post. :-)

Let's talk clothes.

Mizzou fans like to be comfortable, classy, and BLACK AND GOLD!

The definition of gold to a Mizzou fan is somewhat of a debate so you will see ladies in old gold, mustard yellow, bright yellow, metallic gold, and even beige or cream. This opens up the palette to an array of options.

Victoria's Secret Collegiate PINK line is very popular among the undergrad Mizzou fans. These ladies like to be comfortable so they can get crazy-wild for the cameras on game day.

As for Alumni and ladies over the age of 22, we like to wear sequins and heals.
Pair this with black skinny jeans and heals for a warmer game day. Throw a blazer on for a cooler day.

Considering Columbia, MO is the farthest northern point in the SEC division, we hit the colder temps a little sooner than the others. This calls for coats, boots, sweaters, and scarves.

This gold cowl neck sweater dress from VS is the perfect gold for a chilly game-day. Pair with leggings and some black leather riding boots.

Also, Mizzou fans are also pretty big UGG fans. These beauties do the trick!

A great scarf is absolutely necessary. You can find this one in the Tiger Team Store.

And I of course love my Tigerhead Dangle Earrings.

I found these adorable bangles at Charlotte Russe earlier this summer and I can't wait to wear them on game-day!

Also, you better have a beer in your hand or one of the many Mizzou Tervis Tumblers.

Well that's my take on Mizzou's game-day fashions. See you at the ZOU!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wedding Survival Kit

I'm sure by now you know:
1. Last weekend was Mallory and Seth's Wedding
2. I was the Maid of Honor

Thus I made this "Wedding Survival Kit"...
It consists of items we might need in any situation pertaining to the wedding.

Some of the items we never needed, some items were life-savers!

So here is my kit and the items included...

Scissors (most used item)
Allergy Medicine
Pain Reliever
Band Aids
Bobby Pins
Hair Ties
Eye Makeup Remover
Hand/Face Wipes
(we used these before handling Mal's dress and veil... dirty hands and white dresses do not mix well)
Baby Wipes
Contact Lens Solution
Finger Nail Polish Remover
(Very handy for a fresh coat of polish the morning of the wedding.)
White Nail Polish
Clear Nail Polish
Nail Clippers
Nail File
Orange Sticks
(the orange sticks were in a nail kit I threw in there and they worked great for hooking the little elastic hoops around the buttons on the back of her dress)
Seam Wripper
Straight Pins
(so glad I brought tissues... we were all crying at the alter!)
Tape Measure
Hand Sanitizer
Lint Roller
Bleach Pen
Tide-To-Go Pen
Static Guard
Super Glue
Breath Mints
(In the bridal party waiting room everyone was a little nervous so we munched on some chips and it made everyone feel better)
(OMG yes! I brought four bottles and it wasn't enough!)

I bought the clear tub with the handle on top so it would be easy to carry and we could identify the items we needed very quickly. It was $5.47 at Wal-Mart.

I was surprised how helpful the items in the kit were. If anyone needed anything, I could grab it quickly. Much easier than having random items in your purse, suitcase, or bag.

So MOH's or even you Bridesmaids... definitely invest in a Wedding Survival Kit. What you do use will save you on wedding day and what you don't use, you can keep for personal use!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mallory & Seth's Wedding

Mallory and Seth have been married for 2 days now! Happy 2 day anniversary!!

The weekend was awesome!!

Mallory looked gorgeous...

Their departure was hilarious. We blew bubbles on them as they walked out to their getaway car...

Seth's brother was the driver of their car so Seth let Mallory in to the backseat and her dress was so big he had to sit in the front seat! Lol!!

We had a really easy going group... no drama! Oh besides Seth forgetting the ring at the hotel.
But that's okay, someone retrieved it before the ceremony.

Mallory danced her lil' toosh off at the reception...

And I was sweating like a whore in church as I gave my speech...

Seth successfully found Mallory's MIZZOU garter and threw it over his shoulder... his brother caught it.

And then Mallory launched her bouquet so far past our group no one even caught it... it landed on the floor and her cousin walked over and picked it up. Lol!!
(I'm that bozo with my arms in the air.)

Two-thirds of the '06 Chix made it to the wedding!
(We graduated high school in 2006 and there were six of us who did everything together so we gave ourselves that cheesy title.)

We did the Dollar Dance and Mallory made WAY more money than Seth. Lol!!

Oh and Mallory spoiled her whole bridal party. She got our dresses, shoes, jewelry, hair, make-up, hotel rooms, dancing flip-flops, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't even think of. She also got us the adorable canvas bags with our initials on them.

Mallory was the most gracious, beautiful bride and I am so honored I got to be a part of her special weekend. She was so organized and every detailed was addressed which made my job pretty darn easy. I'm so thankful for everything she did for us and I hope she had the best wedding a girl could wish for!

Have fun at Atlantis, Mal!! Love you!!

I'll post the photographers photos when I get my hands on them!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Target Haul/Rant

I say this to Tyson all the time. He believes it!

So today I needed some last minute items before we leave tomorrow for Mallory and Seth's wedding.
-Nail Polish Base Coat
-Nail Polish Brush
-Just For Men (haha)
easy right?

Oh and before I walked in the door I knew I needed to get a Grande Iced Green Tea with a splash of Raspberry syrup from Starbuck's to help me find these four items.
(Delicious, healthy-ish, awesome summer drink... $2.10!)

So off we go! First I hit the Dollar Rack... you know that amazing little section right when you walk in the door?
I got two of these suckers:
and two of these guys:
but mine is four sections... so it's awesomer

Then I got this cute lil nugget:
Who doesn't need a hot pink piggy bank?

I got one of these:
But mine only has four shelves and it's grey.
So it's not really like this one at all.

Oh and I got 3 rolls of wrapping paper that are just adorable.

'Cept the shelf, that was two-fitty.

Then I accidentally found myself in the Women's Accessory section.
That was on the list, right?
All I remember was seeing a red CLEARANCE sign and the rest is history.
I got:

Cute Ass Clutch
Xhilaration® Natural Croco Facile Crossbody
Perfect for lugging all of mine and Mallory's crap around on her wedding day.
I got this baby for $11.88

Scarf/Bikini Cover Up
Converse One Star Kristine Tye-Dye Scarf - Pink
$14.99 NO how about $7.48

Layin' Out Hat
 Mossimo Supply Co. Tan Shine Floppy Hat
$14.99 wrongo I got her for $10.48

Now it's time to get the stuff on my list, right?

So there I am, wandering through Tarjay trying to stay focused and I cross this nice old ladies' path...
and she tells me...
and I reply
and she says
"I just love those hair-pieces. They are soooo fun!!!"
Me being... well... me... says
"Oh this isn't a hair piece, this is my real hair!!"
Jeezus. That is just an insult.
She sayin' I ain't got enough hair to rock this toddler hair-do!?


Finally made it to the Personal Care section
Got some Just For Men
Tyson has like 15 grey hairs.

Then I got this stuff:
Does anyone use this stuff? I found out about it from Megan @ Ciao Bella XO
Her teeth are really white so I hope it works for me, too.
Had a coupon so I got the big bottle for $4.13. Wahoo!

So after watching my Chinese nail lady do my "white-tip" mani/pedi a million times, I think I can do my own nails. They do the base coat, then slop some white polish on the tip of my nail, then they dip a little paint brush in some remover and clean it up. Then the top coat of course.

it was a dillar.
 Oh and I needed some concealer.
Elf again.
Another dillar.

Finally, I got the last thing on my list:
Base coat
My nails chip like crazy. Pizzes me off. Hopefully this helps.

So I was technically done.
One last thing.
I'm making this "Wedding Survival Kit" for Mal's wedding and I heard that chalk helps cover any little stains that might appear on her wedding dress.
So I gotta find some chalk.
Back to School section... NONE
Art Section...
looking for Crayola brand Chalk.
no Crayola brand chalk.
only RoseArt.
I will be 25 years old next month and I STILL don't like RoseArt brand school/art supplies.
I didn't like them when I was 7.
Don't like them now.
So I got some effin' RoseArt chalk.
mother f*ckers

So what would have been a simple Target run turned in to a pretty badass shopping spree. I might have been in there for 2 hours... or more.