
Friday, January 31, 2014

Confessional Friday: Get to Know Me Edition

This week for Confessional Friday, Leslie suggested we do a "get to know me" edition. I think this is a great idea because I have  yet to even do a real "get to know me" post. So let's begin!

I was born and raised in the beautiful area of Lake of the Ozarks. Right smack-dab in Central Missouri. 
My mom and my biological dad did not stay together after I was born. He left when I was three years old and my mom raised me on her own until I was nine. That was when she met my step-dad (whom I now call my dad). His name is Richard and he is the best thing that could have ever happened to my mom and I. They got married and he adopted me. My dad had never had any children in previous marriages so I was his one-and-only little girl.

After graduating from high school I went to State Fair Community College in Sedalia, MO. I was a nanny my freshman year and was on the cheerleading squad my sophomore year. My junior year of college I went to University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, MO where I graduated with my BSBA in Business Administration.
All through high school and college I worked on gas docks around the lake area. I absolutely LOVED that job. It was so fun to be around boats and out in the sun. The summer of 2010 was when I met my boyfriend, Tyson. It was Shootout weekend and he was staying at the yacht club I worked at. He had some smooth lines like "Hey can I get your number in case my boat sinks?" but I fell for it and we are still together today.
Sometime in 2011 I moved to Joplin, where he lives. Now I help him and his partner run their company. I am an office manager, personal assistant, boat hauler, part-runner, shipper, housekeeper, lunch-getter, accountant, etc. I do just about anything him or his partner need.

Then late in the summer of 2012 my dad got really sick. He was diagnosed with stage four duodenal cancer. He passed away on January 21, 2013. I can not even begin to describe all that my dad taught me and how much I miss him. He was truly one of my rocks.

One of my hobbies is boating. I travel all over the country to go to different boating events and I LOVE it.

I have a true love for animals. Tyson has a bengal kitty named Boo Boo and I have a chihuahua named Bonzai that my mom takes care of for me. She also has six other dogs. Growing up we fostered many dogs for local shelters.

I love organizing, makeup, shopping, and socializing. I collect bikinis and have too many shoes. I swear a lot. I love sunsets. I dislike liars. I'm a sucker for Mexican food and margaritas. I have Invisalign. I don't like being cold.

I started blogging way back in high school. I had a good ole Xanga blog! Lol those were the good ole bloggy days. I stopped blogging around 2007 because I got too busy. Then my friends Sara and Mallory turned me on to PinkLouLou and that's what inspired me to start Sunshine! I started Sunshine on January 1, 2012. Some of my most popular posts are designing my new makeup vanity and my true blue party punch recipe. So if you like quirky-sarcastic-goofiness you will like me.

Thanks for reading and happy Friday!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photo An Hour

A link up with Stephanie at Southern Mess blog and Meg at Meg O. on the Go blog.

I have been so utterly excited for this link up since last week when Steph did her post. I was so excited I didn't even know what I was supposed to do!
Thank you, Steph, for clarifying.

So I totally should have done this last Saturday on Tyson's birthday because that would have been way more exciting. Oh well. You get yesterday. Wednesday. A good ole Wednesday. Let's begin!

Just sat down at my desk to catch up on my blogs and go over the daily computer stuff. (Reading Style Me Swanky here.) Which if you are wondering is:
Check my five different email accounts.
All bank accounts (company and mine).
And lastly check on the four forum sites I frequent.

This leads me to my 10:30am picture...
Still sitting here... Riveting, I know. But now I am writing my own blog post and eating yogurt instead of drinking coffee.

At 11:30am I had just got out of the shower and finished my makeup. Here I am picking out which lipgloss to wear and watching some YouTube.

Come 12:30 I was waiting for the guys to finish testing the engine so we could go to lunch. This is an engine that my boyfriend Tyson completely designed and engineered on his own. There is not another engine like this in the world.


Just brushing my teeth and putting my Invisalign back in. After every meal I have to floss, brush my teeth, and clean my aligners. That means three times a day! You were bound to see one of them.

Come 3:30pm I was back at the ole desk. Doing paperwork, making phone calls, perusing Pinterest and watching PinkSoFoxy on YouTube.

Pulling in to Walmart here. Yay for buying household items!

Bustttteeeddd. I got the 20% off coupon for Ulta so I had to do a little makeup shopping. I finally got the Naked 2 palette! I bought the Lorac Pro last year when the Naked's were so popular and bought the Naked Basics last year but I just could not decide which big Naked palette to get. I thought I had my mind made up until the Naked 3 came out. GAME CHANGER. But alas, I decided it was too rose toned for me. Naked 2 it is!

At 6:30 I had literally just got to the gym and jumped on the treadmill. (Hence why I had only made it nine-tenths of a mile.)

Me after a little sweat-sesh. No shame in my gym bathroom selfie!

Dinner and post-workout meal. An apple with peanut butter, celery, some pretzels, and some apple cinnamon Fig Newtons.

Winding down and getting ready for bed here. I picked up these Peter Thomas Roth peel pads at Ulta earlier so I was pumped to try them.

So that was my day! Not all that exciting but pretty typical for a weekday.

If you like, head over and read other's Photo a Day posts. I really hope this turns in to a weekly or monthly link-up. I love seeing what people do each day.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

As of Lately...

Let's play catch-up!
(Story of my blog.)

I've been going to the gym regularly! Yay for consistency!

Saturday the 18th was Tysons' cousins birthday. We went to El Vallarta and ate mexican food and had margaritas... then we went rollerskating. Wilma and I OWNED that skating rink!
Oh, and I rollerblade. Skates and I don't mesh well.

Then that Sunday we took Tyson's nephews out to one of their friend's motocross tracks. Tyson had not been on a bike since 2008 when he wrecked in a Supercross race and broke his leg. He used to ride pro Supercross so it came back to him pretty quick.

Then last Tuesday I had an orthodontist appointment. Dr. Roblee gave me the rest of my aligners for my initial treatment. Next time I see him (in March) he is going to shape my teeth and they re-scan for revisions. I am so excited. I can't wait to see my new perfect smile!

Last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I painted our bathroom... purple. This was my inspiration.
 Let me start by saying that sometime before I was in Tyson's life, he painted his entire bedroom, hallway, and bathroom BRIGHT RED. With BLACK trim, ceilings, and doors. Can we say "bachelor pad"? Yes. It was bad.

So... we already have the black cabinets with a white vanity-top. And I knew it was going to be way to big of a job for me to paint the walls, doors, trim, ceiling, etc... so I started looking for colors that would compliment the existing black and white. I found the picture above about four months ago and last week I bit the bullet. I tried 5 SAMPLES of purples. Thank God for paint samples because I was way off with the first two.
(The first two I tried are the top right and middle right.)

I decided to go with the bottom left color.
(Nothing like a picture of a toilet on your blog.)

I like the color a lot!! It's a bit more "purpley" than the inspiration picture but I'm okay with it. I still need to get new baseboards and trim out the shower and the mirror... oh and paint the lightbar. But when it's all done, I'll do a reveal!

Last Saturday was Tyson's birthday! His mom threw him a dinner party at Wilder's. His cousins and their families came and it was so much fun. The Garvin boys sure know how to party!

I got Ty some new goggles but he wouldn't model them so I did!

Then Sunday we went to the motocross track again. The guys had a great time riding...
and I had a great time falling out of this tree-swing...
Follow me on Instagram to see the video @tripac87

Sunday night I babysat this little stud muffin. He's such a doll!

And now we are halfway through the week! Sheesh time flies when you are busy!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Arch Support for your Uggs

I know I am like four months late on this post but... better late than never, right?

If you wear Uggs a lot you probably have a little bit of foot pain at the end of the day. It isn't stabbing foot pain, more of just a sore, worn out feeling. This is because Uggs offer little-to-no support to your feet. The bottom sole of an Ugg boot is completely flat. The bottom of your foot is not. That's where these little babies come in really handy!
I found these Dr. Scholl's gel inserts at Target about a year ago. (Target no longer has them so I buy them at Wal-Mart.) I bought a pair of these inserts for my tennis shoes that started to hurt my feet. I also put them in my Converse's.
Earlier this winter I was wearing my Uggs and at the end of the day my feet were sore. It dawned on me to put these inserts in my boots, so the next day I tried it. It made a world's difference!
These inserts are really easy to slide in and out of your boots. They have grey fabric on top and are gelly on the bottom. They are $8.76 per pair at Wal-Mart.
The fur insoles in your Uggs does not stick to the gel.
I seriously can not wear my Uggs without them now!

This review is NOT sponsored by Ugg or by Dr. Scholl's. All of these opinions are my own and I paid for everything with my own money.

Thanks for reading!

Confessional Friday: {Link Up with A Blonde Ambition}

Happy Friday y'all! And by happy Friday I mean I can't wait for this day to be over! I have been in a pissy mood for the last 48 hours and I am SO over it. Actually, at this very moment, I am in an better mood. Let's call it a 7 on the 1-10 mood scale.

I confess / / I went to the final days of the VS semi-annual sale and only spent $54 dollars. This is much better than last year when I spent $150 dollars.

I confess / / that I was pretty pumped when I listed a used boat steering wheel for sale, got an offer, and had it sold in less than 15 minutes. I had to ship it and the only box I had that it would fit in was an old DirecTV box so I wrapped it in brown contractor's paper. When I got to UPS the girl told me that UPS does not allow boxes to be wrapped and that she would have to remove the paper. Not really a big deal but it rubbed me the wrong way because I am all about presentation!

I confess / /  that I bought six pairs of wedges from and I am not one bit ashamed of it.

I confess / / I have been doing really well and going to the gym every other day. And then today I ate a bunch of chinese food for lunch. Damnit.

I confess / / that this cracked me up!

I confess / / I have been cleaning out closets and preparing to do a huge purge of crap I have accumulated. I really can not believe the amount of stuff I have. It kind of makes me want to yack. (And now I sound like a luny-bag because I just told you I bought six pairs of wedges.)

I confess / / we are going to Miami in mid February and I have started tanning. I ordered this lotion in hopes that it would get me really dark with fewer tanning sessions. We shall see!

I confess / / that I am 26 years old and am just now realizing that my eyes are not blue... or hazel. They are grey. WOW! I seriously had no idea.

I confess / / that it really pisses me off that Facebook thinks I want to watch every video on my NewsFeed. Quit it Facebook. I do not want to see all these damn videos. And if I do, I can click the play button all by my big girl self.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

23 Reasons Why I Can't Get a Damn Thing Done

I have a huge to-do list and I feel like my brain is drowning in ideas, events, things to do, etc. Please tell me I am not alone! Today I started thinking about why I can't manage to get anything done and this is what I came up with...

1. I have an iPhone.
2. I need a pedicure.
4. We are down to 10 rolls of toilet paper so I need to go to Target.
5. Target has 36 clearance racks and I need to go through all of them.
6. Pinterest.
7. Instagram.
8. Makeup tutorials YouTube.
9. It's cold outside.
10. I'm tired.
11. I need more supplies.
12. I have to much to do and I can't focus.
13. I can't drink coffee all day long to keep me energized. (Thanks Invisalign!)
14. Facebook.
15. The Bachelor.
16. Funny cat videos.
17. I'm hungry.
18. I need to get my nails done.
19. I have to take a shower.
20. I need to find a red coffee mug with white hearts on it for Valentine's day.
21. I have a headache.
22. GMA is on TV.
23. I need to pet the cat.

This is just a handful of the crap that I end up doing instead of preparing our taxes or cleaning the kitchen floor.

And in case you were wondering about the funny cat video, here it is...