Yesterday, March 3, was the last day of my initial treatment of Invisalign! I went to my orthodontist and had my teeth scanned for refinements. I will get those trays in six weeks. Here are my before-and-after photos.
Lower teeth
Upper teeth
I had a lot done in the last year!
I started Invisalign on February 28, 2013, had a septoplasty on April 8, 2013, and then on July 23, 2013 I had two dental implants placed. I changed my trays weekly and had 13 attachments. I did not use Acceledent or have the corticotomy surgery.
After I finish with my refinements I will have my teeth whitened, have the two crowns placed on the dental implants, and have the upper central incisor re-crowned. I will also get retainers.
I am so thrilled with where my teeth are at and can't wait to see when they are finally done!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for reading!