Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Haha that's just plain funny!

Did everyone get belly's full of yummy turkey?
I know I did!
My mom made Thanksgiving dinner.
It was fabulous!
Her pumpkin pies are so darn cute!
we like to call her Martha... haha

After we ate dinner at my parent's house, I drove to Joplin to spend a little time with Tyson and his family.
We relaxed for a little while and then Tyson and I took a nice voyage to No Man's Land aka The Mall... to see all the Black Friday shoppers...

This was Best Buy...
These people are lucky that it is 65 degrees outside and not 30 like it has been other years!
And since it's almost the 23rd...

Day 23: I am thankful that I am not standing in line, fighting someone for a TV.

The only thing that would have made today better would be if my dad could have eaten Thanksgiving dinner with us. He is still on a feeding tube and today he didn't feel very well. He spent most of the day sleeping. I wish there was something I could do to make him better. I would be most thankful for that...

I hope your Thanksgiving was great!


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