I'm going to make this quick and try not to bore you with long posts about where I have been the last two months. I know. I've been slacking major time. But that's about to change!
// We went to Branson back in November. If you don't take a little family getaway trip once a year you SHOULD! We had a great time and it really kicks of the holiday season on a great note.
// I started an Etsy shop making custom baby headbands.
// I hosted our 3rd Annual Bake-Off. We made lots of cookies and drank wine. It was uber fun!
// I started a gift-wrapping business and actually had some customers! I probably wrapped 100 gifts this year!
// I went to the PRI show in Indianapolis and then went to Michigan to check our new boat.
// I got engaged!
bling bling!
// And had an awesome Christmas.
// Neely and I hit up some after-Christmas clearance sales.
And we both got awesome "holiday trees"!
// For New Years Eve we enjoyed time with family at Neely's house where we all made artisan pizzas and drank champagne.
And that's where I've been! I had such a great holiday season and was so thankful I was able to be at home and not traveling. Sometimes, I can be such a homebody!
Anways... stay tuned for more posts and regular blogging around here. I truly miss my random rants and filling this little corner of the interwebs with silly ramblings.
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