Friday, February 1, 2013

Confessional Friday {Link Up with A Blonde Ambition}

Hello everyone!
Let's try to get back in the swing of things around here. Confessional Friday sounds like a good start!

I confess that I still shop at Hollister. 70% off all red lines? I'm so there! I got these comfy sweatpants for $8.67!

I confess that cake-pops genuinely freak me out. I don't know what it is about those little balls of cake with hard icing on them but I refuse to eat them.

I confess that I am now in love with concealer. This stuff does wonderful things! Before, I thought I only needed concealer to hide blemishes... SO WRONG. Concealer used in junction as a highlighter brightens my face, covers discoloration, and gives my face more definition. In love!
This video shows how I do my highlight now. Watch and learn, ladies!

I confess that I haven't got didly-crap done in my vanity room. Boy, big surprise there, right? The biggest speed bump is that we need to sheet rock part of the room. That involves hiring people and Tyson doesn't like paying people for work he can do. Problem is... he doesn't have time to do it! Errr!!

I confess that I'm doing pretty good with my New Years Resolutions...

  • I went to my Invisalign consultation and my aligners will be ready at the end of February! I'm so excited... like beyond excited!!
  • I'm saving all my $5.00 dollar bills! Whoop whoop $20.00 dollars saved, baby!
  • I am using up my products and haven't bought any new beauty related items! Yay!
  • There is a 5K coming up in May dedicated to the victims from the May 22, 2011 tornado that swept through Joplin. I will begin training as soon as it warms up a bit.
  • My smoky eye is getting better every day thanks to my Lorac Pro palette.
  • And my cursing is limited to the times when I am really pissed passionate about something. Controlled? Yes. Stopped? No.

I confess that I really want to win this $50 gift card from TJ Maxx! You can help! Go vote for me and the navy blue Max Studio dress I scored for $10.00 bucks!

I confess that I shed a tear when Snooki's dad started bawling when she delivered her baby. Yes, I watch Snooki and JWoww. No, I'm not ashamed. A little trash TV is good for the soul.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Loving that makeup tutorial! Very beautiful makeup and great tips too!

    Brooke =)


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